The rent for houses in Lieven 8 is 18-23 23-27 Net rent (You enter this amount for your housing allowance) €422.46 633.25 Calculation rent €442.46 €653.25 Service costs €49.34 €49.34 Gross rent €471.80 €682.59 You can see below how the service costs are structured. In addition to the service costs, you also pay Eteck for the hot water. Eteck's rate sheet for 2022 can also be found below. Trial calculation tax authorities You may be eligible for housing benefit. Do you want to know how much housing benefit you can get? In addition to the net rent, only enter the total of subsidisable service costs for the trial calculation; €20. This is structured as follows: Cleaning - €7.50 Electricity collective - €8 Caretaker - €4.50 Go to the website of the Tax Authorities and make a test calculation there. Close yourself Please note: you still have to conclude a contract for electricity, water and home contents insurance. In addition, the municipality will charge tax for, among other things, waste processing.